Public Hearing Notice: Diamond Lake, In-Lake Water Quality Project

The Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District (MFCRWD) Board of Managers will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Dethlefs Community Center at 217 Hillcrest Avenue, Spicer MN. The purpose of the hearing is to provide the public with an opportunity to hear a presentation on the District’s proposed Diamond Lake, In-Lake Water Quality Project and provide comments on whether the proposed project should be initiated.
The proposed project would acquire and implement a nanobubble aeration system in Diamond Lake to treat legacy nutrients and sediments within the lake to improve water quality. Acquisition of the nanobubble aeration system would be paid for by a dedicated, district-wide ad valorem property tax levy for a period of 7 years. Operations and maintenance costs for the system would be paid by assessments to owners of property on Diamond Lake. Copies of the proposed project order will be available at the public hearing but can also be obtained via the District’s website (, requested in person at MFCRWD office (189 County Road 8, Spicer), by phone (320-796-0888) or via email to
Persons who are unable to attend the hearing but would like to provide comments read into the public hearing record are asked to provide written comments to District Administrator Dan Coughlin ( no later than 4:30 p.m. on November 12, 2024.
After all public comments have been received, it is anticipated that the MFCRWD Board of Managers will formally consider the proposed project order resolution.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Coughlin
MFCRWD Administrator
Resolution 2024-22 - Board Order Initiating Project Diamond Lake in-lake WQ .pdf