New London & Spicer Stormwater Study

Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District received a Clean Water Fund Accelerated Implementation Grant to complete a two part public stormwater assessment project to identify and prioritize stormwater BMP projects within the watershed. A watershed wide, stormwater water quality analysis was completed to identify areas where runoff pollution is the worst within the city limits of New London and Spicer, MN where the impervious areas were evaluated with P8 (Program for Predicting Polluting Particle Passage thru Pits, Puddles, & Ponds – an urban catchment analysis model) to determine where poor water quality “hotspots” exist within each municipality.
With the hotspots identified, stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) projects were evaluated, conceptually located and sized to model water quality improvements. Construction estimates and a cost benefit analysis of project costs and water quality improvements will help the District prioritize future implementation of the recommended BMPs to make significant and efficient improvements to the watershed water quality. This memo summarizes the project watershed models & results, the process of locating stormwater BMP conceptual designs, the final prioritized list of recommendations and how the hotspot map is and will change with the implementation of projects.
Study Areas
The two most urbanized areas within the Middle Fork Crow River watershed are the cities of Spicer and New London. These cities both reside within Kandiyohi county.
All figures and details created by Wenck unless otherwise noted.
New London Subwatershed MapSpicer Subwatershed MapEngineer’s Technical Memo